How The Book Was Illustrated
by Mark Teague
Step 1
“When I’m ready to start illustrating a story, the first thing I do is get out my sketch book and play around. I let my subconscious mind take off and see where it goes.”
“Characters almost create themselves. I don’t have anyone in mind; I just try to let my imagination have a free reign.”
“Then, after doing numerous rough sketches of how I think the pages in the book will look, it’s time to start the Final Line Drawings.”
Step 2
“I use a pencil for drawing and a huge eraser for erasing until I get it right.”
“Then I brush the drawing with gesso and matte medium. I can see through the layer because the paint is transparent. The gesso brush strokes show through in the final art, giving it a texture I like. The next step is getting out the paint!”
Step 3
“Using burnt sienna (a reddish brown) as an undercoat, I paint the sketch in. Then I mix ultramarine blue and cadmium red to get a nice gray. At this stage, I lay in the shadows.”
“Once I’ve got the dark values down, I put in the highlights using white. Now I’m ready to bring in the color.”
Step 4
“I bring out my full palette here — and work in the colors. The final illustration emerges.”